Racecar Backwards
racecar backwards

racecar backwards

Racecar Is Racecar Backwards. The ChallengeAlbums similar to or like. If you prefer video here is the YouTube video link. Find out what words are spelled the same backward.This is the blog version of my walkthrough. Whats a palindrome A palindrome is a word, number, or phrase that reads the same backward and forward.

racecar backwards

Racecar Backwards Code First Is

Rushing into the code first is usually a losing strategy, because now you have to consider syntax while trying to solve the problem in your head.Don't let your nerves get the better of you. Step 0 - Step Away from the CodeI like keeping this mind during any interview or problem I have to solve at work. We’ll be ignoring punctuation like commas, periods, question marks, exclamation points, and casing. Some examples areWhether you read these left-to-right or right-to-left, you get the same sequence of characters.

So "Racecar" is valid even though it's technically spelt "racecaR" backwards.To safeguard us against any casing issues, I'll add a comment saying we'll lowercase everything.Here's my code so far (notice I wrote no real code yet). Step 1 - Equalize All CasingA palindrome is valid whether or not its casing reads the same forwards or backwards. All the hard work happens in your mind and notes, not on the keyboard.

racecar backwards